Monday, December 3, 2012

Use mutual funds to address financial needs

Most financial experts will tell you that it is important to plan your investments according to your financial goals and personal needs. These vary from one individual to the other, with some looking to build a nest egg for their retirement, and others wanting to fund the down payment of their dream house. Funding children'seducation and marriage are also prominent goals for most people. One can plan for these goals with the help of different mutual funds which are suited to various requirements. The choice of mutual funds depends on the time horizon as defined by the proximity of goals and one's tolerance towards risk. Here's how one can plan for specific goals in life by using mutual funds.


Creating a sizeable corpus for one's twilight years is a key financial goal. Ideally, one should begin saving for it as soon as one begins earning. A systematic investment plan ( SIP) in mutual funds is the best route to help you achieve this goal. If you are in your 20s or 30s, start investing aggressively in diversified equity funds, which carry the potential to create long-term wealth. A mix of large-cap and mid-cap oriented funds with healthy track records should be a part of your portfolio. Remember, however, that you will need to gradually shift your money to safer debt funds as you get closer to retirement.

Children's education or marriage

Providing for these goals requires careful planning. Since you cannot compromise on your child's future, your investment should not be subjected to high risk, but should still leave scope for good returns. Balanced funds, which invest in a mix of debt and equity, are the ideal choice for these. Index funds can also be used in a smaller proportion. For your daughter's marriage, the need for gold jewellery can be met by buying gold ETFs at regular intervals. Since you cannot predict the price of gold at a given time, the least you can do is keep pace by accumulating gold ETF units.

Down payment for house / car

If you are saving to buy a car or make the down payment for a house a year or two down the line, steer clear of equity investments. Such short-term goals can be met through debt funds, which invest purely in fixed income instruments. Income funds or short-term bond funds should be used to ensure that your money grows at a steady pace. These work best when interest rates are heading southwards.

Meeting recurring expenses

If you want to earn a regular income to meet certain recurring expenses, monthly income plans could be the right option. These are suitable for investors who don't want to take too much risk as these invest up to 20% inequities and the rest in debt instruments. These are fairly stable and can provide a steady stream of income by way of regular dividends.

Tax planning

If you want to reduce your taxable income and also build long-term wealth, you can invest in equity-linked saving schemes or ELSS funds. This investment is eligible for tax deduction, with the income from dividends and capital gains being tax-free even though these plans come with a lock-in period of three years. These can be used to supplement other equity fund investments meant for your retirement goal.

Economic Times


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