Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Too hot to handle? Take a chill pill

The soaring temperature in the city is acting as a spoil sport for many. Apart from feeling lethargic, one also faces a host of health issues like heat stroke or dehydration in this season. Speak Up brings you tips on how to beat the summer blues and live healthy
Speak Up
Avoid eating non-veg during summers
The amount of energy drain during the summers is immense and hence one needs to take measures in order to keep the energy level intact. A short session of light exercise at the end of the day is helpful. These exercises may include Pranayam and meditation as the body cannot cope up with strenuous exercises in such hot climate.
Besides, one needs to increase the water intake during this season. It is a must to drink minimum three litres of water every day that too at an interval of 2-3 hours. Non-vegetarian food should be avoided or consumed in the form of soups. Juice intake should also be increased and one must avoid staying in the scorching heat for long. In fact, every two hours wash your face and eyes with cold water as this helps in cleaning the sweat and dirt.
— Nitin Unkule, yoga guru

Have desi drinks to prevent dehydration
It is better to go for natural desi drinks in the summers rather than aerated ones. The problem with aerated drinks is that when consumed, it creates more demand of water in the body. The reason being the colours and sugar used in them are not natural. Have panna, neera or lemon and honey drinks to prevent dehydration.
Besides, one must also drink fruit and vegetable juices as they are healthy. Any kind of juices made from melons and vegetables like tomato or cucumber help to detoxify and replenish the vitamins. Also avoid spicy food as it creates more demand of water in the body. Stick to light cooked meal as it keeps the body cool. Salads in summers are always a healthy choice.
— Babu Joseph, director, National Institute of Naturopathy

It is better to avoid drinking chilled water as it creates disparity in the body temperature
During this season, the problem of acidity aggravates and one needs to take care of it by consuming a good amount of liquid but at room temperatures. Avoid drinking water which is refrigerated or topped with ice and add khas/ amla/ morabba to it, which is a healthier option. The problem with refrigerated water is that it creates a disparity in the body temperatures during the summers thus affecting the health. Also, natural drinks like kokum and lemon water is far better compared to aerated drinks. People who love consuming milk should restrict themselves from consuming it chilled as it can harm the body. People who consume alcohol should stick to red wine rather than settling for drinks like rum or whisky. These drinks increase the body temperature and hence one should avoid it.
— Ashutosh Nanal, Ayurvedic doctor

Cover yourself to avoid tanning
A sunscreen can protect your skin from the adverse effects of the sun as it prevents the skin from tanning and rashes. People who cannot afford the luxury of a sunscreen should wear thickly weaved cotton clothes to protect themselves from the sun. One must at the same time consume plenty of water as it keeps the skin fresh and lively. In terms of diet, have seasonal fruits like pineapple, oranges and mango as they have are rich in minerals and vitamins that are extremely helpful during summers. One must also use a moisturiser on the skin and protect the hair with a scarf to avoid damage.
—Dr Dhanashree Bhide, skin specialist

Problems like jaundice increase in this season
One must avoid stepping out too much during summers and even if you do, use sunglasses and caps to prevent the body from the scorching heat. People who suffer from skin problems should cover their body to avoid direct sunlight. Problems like vomiting, loose motions and jaundice increase during the summers and hence one should avoid junk food. Once back from the hot scorching heat, let the perspiration settle down before having water or any drink in order to avoid harm to the throat and lungs. Those who are suffering from gastric ulcers must increase their water intake. Another problem witnessed during summers is the occurrence of ring worms in the arm pits and groins. So regularly clean these areas to maintain proper hygiene.
—Dr Avinash Bondwe, physician

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