Monday, October 21, 2013

Understanding Base Rate of Loans

Loans by banks are linked to their base rates , below which they cannot lend. The loan rate is usually higher than base rate. Banks arrive at the base rate after looking at their cost of funds and other factors. That is why is base rate different for each bank. Why do banks charge existing customers more than their rate for new customers? Is it a way to fleece customers who they think are stuck with them? We answer the questions on base rate in this article.
What is the base rate?
A base rate is the minimum rate of interest that a bank is allowed to charge from its customers. Unless mandated by the government, RBI rule stipulates that no bank can offer loans at a rate lower than the base rate to any of its customers.  Base Rate includes is common across all categories of borrowers.
 A lending rate is the rate at which banks lend to their customers, it is base rate plus a margin or spread, for example, base rate plus 50 basis points or bps.. The actual lending rates charged to borrowers would be the base rate plus borrower-specific charges, called as the spread or the margin, which include product-specific operating costs, credit risk premium and tenor premium. So, it differs across various segments.
For example from State Bank of India website Base rate and spreads are given below.  Borrowers of loan upto 30 lakh will pay 10.10% p.a interest, of which 9.8% is the base rate and 0.3% is the spread or margin
 Base Rate:  9.80% (w.e.f.  19/09/2013)
Home Loan
Loan Amount
Spread over the Base Rate
Current effective Rate of Interest(From: 01/10/2013)
Rate of Interest
Upto Rs. 30.00 lacs
10.10% p.a.
For all tenures
For Term Loan and Overdraft:
0.75% above Base Rate, i.e. 10.55% p.a.
Above Rs. 30.00 lacs
10.30% p
Banks are required to exhibit the information on their Base Rate at all branches and also on their websites. 
The base rate may change but the bank cannot alter the spread or the margin at which it has offered loans to existing customers. So, if the base rate comes down from 10% to 9.75%, the interest rate for existing customers will fall from 10.5% to 10.25% (considering a spread of 50 bps).
However, banks can offer new loans at a higher or lower margin, say, base rate plus 25 bps. So, for a new customer, the rate will be 10% (base rate at 9.75%), while old customers will continue to pay 10.25%. Existing borrowers feel cheated by such a difference in rates.
Base rate change affects which kind of loan : Fixed Rate of Loan or Floating Rate loan?
Interest rates on loans depend on various factors, including availability of money in the market (liquidity), inflation and monetary policies.
Fixed rate of loan means the interest rate doesn’t change with market fluctuations. Repayment of loans in fixed equal instalments over the entire period of the loan.
Floating interest rate implies that the rate of interest varies with market conditions. Loans on floating interest rates are tied to a base rate plus a spread thereof. So, if the base rate varies the floating interest rate also varies.
How will change in base rate impact floating loans interest rates?
Any change in base rate will affect the floating rate of interest of loans that are linked to the base rate. For example, if floating rate of interest is 11% (Base rate 9% + margin 2%) and if the base rate increases to 9.25%, the floating rate will be 11.25 (base rate 9.25% + Margin 2%). Similarly, a fall in the base rate will lead to a fall in the applicable floating rate.
Which kind of loan fixed rate of interest or floating should one go for?
It’s a topic of discussion by itself and it depends on many factors but in brief.
  • Fixed interest rates  are usually 1-2.5 percentage points higher than the floating rate loans.
  • If for any reason the interest rate decreases, the fixed rate loan doesn’t get the benefit of reduced rates and the borrower has to repay the same amount every time.
  • Another area of concern is whether the fixed rate home loan is fixed for the entire tenure or only for a few years. This has to be cross-checked with the bank while taking the loan.
Are there any exemptions for the granting loans below Base Rate?
Yes, there are exemptions such as Differential Rate of Interest Scheme(DRI) advances, loans to banks employees as per the HR Policy and loan against own deposits held with the Bank and any other category of loan (ex agricultural)  or advances mentioned by RBI from time to time.
Who fixes Base Rate ?
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) does NOT  fix the base rate.  It has issued broad guidelines to bank as to how they should arrive at the base rate.  Thus, individual bank itself fixes its own base rate.
How does a bank decide its base rate?
Each bank decides its own Base Rate. A host of factors, like the cost of deposits, administrative costs, a bank’s profitability in the previous financial year and a few other parameters, with stipulated weights, are considered while calculating a base rate. For details on how bank calculates base rate one can read RBI guidelines on Base rate.
How often the Base Rate will be changed by Banks ? 
Banks are required to review the base rate at least once every quarter.   Banks can review the same even more than once a quarter.  After review, the Bank may decide to change or continue the same base rate. Change of base rates of State Bank of India and HDFC Bank are given below
DateBase Rate

DateBase Rate
Why do banks charge existing customers more than their rate for new customers? Is it a way to ‘fleece’ customers who they think are stuck with them?
The base rate may change but the bank do not alter the spread or the margin at which it has offered loans to existing customers. So considering a spread of 50 bps, if the base rate comes down from 10% to 9.75%, the interest rate for existing customers will fall from 10.5% to 10.25%.
However, banks can offer new loans at a higher or lower margin, say, base rate plus 25 bps. So, for a new customer, the rate will be 10% (base rate at 9.75%), while old customers will continue to pay 10.25%. Existing borrowers feel cheated by such a difference in rates.
How to deal with differential rates ?
There are two ways to deal with the problem of differential rates.
  • One, you can switch the loan to a bank offering a lower rate. This is easy now as pre-payment penalty on floating rate loans has been abolished. The new bank will charge only a processing fee of 0.5-1% of the outstanding loan. Some banks may even waive the fee if you bargain hard.
  • Another option is switching to the lower rate being offered to new customers by paying a small fee. Most banks offer this facility to retain customers.
Why was the base rate introduced ?
The base rate system replaced the Benchmark Prime lending rate (BPLR) system, which was the methodology earlier followed by the banks since 2003. The BPLR varied from Bank to Bank and the variation was quite wide, stretching over 4% sometimes. While initiating the move to replace the existing system of BPLR, RBI felt that the The calculations of BPLR was mostly NOT transparent  and BPLR lending rate system hindered effective transmission of monetary policy signals.  For example, when the years 2008 and 2009, RBI reduced its its benchmark lending rate by 425 basis points banks reduced their BPLR by about 200 basis point .  This was mainly because bulk of their lending was below their BPLR. Although, BPLR of Indian banks ranged between 11 percent and 15.75 percent,  yet three-fourths of their total loans were made below these levels because of competitive pressures in the fragmented banking sector. The base rate makes pricing more transparent as  base rate has to be disclosed publicly and banks are not permitted to lend below base rate.
Why Banks are still continuing with BPLR whereas Base Rate has been made Applicable?
Although RBI has introduced Base Rate as a reference benchmark rate for all floating rate loan products with effect from (wef) 1st July, 2010, yet  RBI has  allowed banks to continue BPLR but only on the loans which have been sanctioned before the introduction of  Base Rate i.e. July 2010 until maturity  These borrowers have the option of approaching the bank to switch to the base rate system before the expiry of their loans.
Be Money Aware

Sunday, October 6, 2013

6 dumb mistakes which you make while writing Cheque’s – Dont do it !

One of the most common ways to pay money to someone is through cheque’s. Cheque’s give you the flexibility to make payments to someone at some later date (post dated cheque) by writing it now at this moment. Writing a cheque seems to be such a simple task, but do you know that there are many weak links in writing cheques which can create a big problem for you.
If you are not careful while writing a cheque, it can be misused by someone else and potential of monitory loss to you along with unwanted headache. Today’s generation is very causal when it comes to writing  the cheques. In this article, I will cover 6 must know points which you should always practice writing the cheque’s . You can see these 6 points as a step by step recipe to write cheques. Lets see them one by one
1. Do not leave spaces between words or numbers
Its a no-brainier. When you write numbers and words in the cheque, be it Name or amount, never leave a space or gaps between them, because that gives a chance to add some alphabet or number and change the whole cheque.
Imagine you issue a cheque to “ANKIT SHARMA” , but put sufficient space between “ANKIT” and “SHARMA” and it looks like “ANKIT    SHARMA” . One can add an additional “A” after “ANKIT” and the name can become “ANKITA SHARMA” . However if you just leave exact one small space between “ANKIT” and “SHARMA” , its going to be tough to add another alphabet in between.
Dont leave space or gap while writing cheque
2. Make sure you cross the cheque saying “A/C Payee” 
If you are going to pay to some person and want to force that the payment should go to the same person bank account, in that case, you should be putting a double cross line on the left-top corner of cheque and write “A/C Payee” or “Account Payee“, which ensures that the money will get credited only to a bank account and not be handed over to someone as CASH over the counter.
Add AC/Payee on top left corner while writing cheque
A lot of people forget to do this, and if the cheque is misplaced or lost, someone can pose himself as the target person and take the money from bank, I hope you know how easy it is to steal someone’s identity and misuse the documents.
3. Add a line after the name and amount till the end 
I recently learned this point, where you add a running line like —————————- after the name and the amount in the cheque, which ensures that one cant add anything after the name and amount and misuse it .
add running line after name amount in cheque
4. Cancel the word “Bearer”
If you look at your cheque closely, in the “Pay” section, there is space for the name and then on the right corner it ends with “Or Bearer” , which means that either the person whose name is written in the cheque or anyone else who is bearing the cheque can encash it , provided the “A/C Payee” is added to cheque as mentioned in 2nd point above. So you should always cancel the word “Bearer” from the cheque, unless you really want it. This ensures additional safety of the cheque.
5. Add a sign of “/-” after the amount”
Now this might sound so small, but this has lots of wisdom inside this simple trick . There is huge difference between Rs 37,000 and Rs 37,000/- . In first option of Rs 37,000 , you can add more numbers at the end and can make it Rs 37,00000 if there is enough space ahead of it, but in case of Rs 37,000/- , You cant do anything . Below is a simple example of how it can be misused.
Corrent way of writing amounts on cheque
6. Keep the details of Cheque’s issued, even if it sounds boring !
And finally, when you give a cheque to someone, write down the cheque number, account name, amount and the date when it was issued or dated, because you might need this information incase you want to cancel the cheque. A lot of times, it happens that you need to cancel the payment, but do not remember the details. Having recorded this information would be handy at times and will help you to act faster.
ICICI Bank also has a small tutorial on correct way of writing cheque’s, which I have added below, just have a look at it and you should understand most of the things.

Use these 6 things everytime you issue a cheque
Next time you write a cheque, just make sure you have done all these 6 things, and the chances of misuse of your cheque will be close to ZERO because each and every step add a security layer. Let me know if you have any tips on writing cheque  in correct manner or any real life experience on this issue.

SIP in equity funds vs Recurring Deposits

Both Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) in equity funds and recurring deposits in banks are used to create a large corpus over a long period of time.
The effect of compounding helps both deliver handsome returns.
One may argue that it won’t be fair to compare the two as they belong to different asset classes, namely equity and debt. But in times of intense volatility in stock markets and high returns offered by banks on deposits, the comparison is inevitable as to which investment option may help investors better to reach their financial targets.
Both, SIP in equity mutual funds and bank recurring deposits, require regular investments and are useful to meet financial targets.
When someone opts to invest in an equity mutual fund through SIP mode, the impact of market volatility gets minimised due to average purchase cost per unit of investment.
Units of mutual funds are bought at different NAVs over a period of time and thus more units are bought when markets are at lower levels.
When markets are falling, one should use that as an opportunity to accumulate more units, which can be sold later when the markets go up. While market volatility may impact short-term return, cost averaging helps one earn better return over a long period of time.


If one is looking to build a retirement corpus or a large fund for children’s education or marriage, then it would be better to opt for SIPs in some good equity mutual funds.
Over the last 10 years, diversified equity funds have returned 22.29 per cent on an average, much more than any fixed-income instruments could have offered. Even if one chose to invest in passively managed Index Funds, the return stood at 18.14 per cent over the same period.
However, the one-year, three-year and five-year returns of average diversified equity funds stood at 4.49 per cent, 5.73 per cent and 4.23 per cent, respectively, much lower than interest rates offered by banks or post offices.


Investments in recurring deposits help one achieve short-term financial goals, especially when the money is needed within five years.
Interest rates offered by different banks are still hovering at higher levels and it would be a good idea to start a recurring deposit to capitalise on higher rates.
For example, if one deposits Rs 5,000 per month in a recurring deposit for five years that yields 9.25 per cent interest, he will get Rs 3,81,817 at the end of the maturity. Some banks are even offering 10 per cent rate on short-term deposits.
In case of recurring deposits, the interest rate offered by the bank remains the same throughout the tenure of the investment, thus cushioning investors from interest rate volatility. Moreover, banks also allow investors to take loan against the deposit account.


The choice between SIP in equity funds and recurring deposits should be made based on one’s investment horizon, risk appetite and structure of the portfolio. Since the two instruments belong to different asset classes, a mix of the same helps one maintain proper balance. While the equity portion will help boost growth, the debt portion will ensure necessary stability and assured return.


However, it has to be kept in mind that although one can be sure of the maturity value of a recurring deposit, he/she needs to factor in post-tax returns also.
Though there is no TDS in the case of recurring deposit maturity, the interest amount earned will be added to one’s annual income. In case of SIPs in equity funds, there will be no long-term capital gain tax if units are sold after one year from the date of investment. From return as well as tax perspective, it pays well to stay invested in equities for longer duration.

Business Line

When cheques bounce

Cheque bouncing is one of the most common offences in the country, with over 40 lakh pending cases in the Supreme Court. A cheque can bounce for several reasons such as insufficiency of funds, mismatch in signature, stale cheques, post-dated cheques or if there are corrections in the cheque without authentication. The bank collects a penalty from the defaulter when a cheque bounces. The person issuing the cheque can even get a jail term.
All that’s fine, but what are the remedies if you’ve been issued a cheque which has bounced?


Almost every bank gives a ‘cheque return memo’ along with the returned cheque stating the reason for the bounce. If you hold the cheque, you need to inform the drawer and ask if you can re-present it to the bank within the 3-month period.
If cheque is dishonoured even the second time, then you can take legal action. As a first step, you can send a legal notice to the defaulter within a period of 30 days from receiving the cheque return memo. The notice should contain all necessary details.
The defaulter needs to make a fresh payment within a period of 15 days from the receipt of this notice. If he still doesn’t make the payment within this time period, then you can file a complaint in the magistrate court. This case should be filed within a maximum period of 1 month from the date of expiry of the 15-day period.
Remember that the complaint should be filed within the time frame. If complaints are made outside the time frame, then the case becomes time barred and will not be entertained. When your case comes for hearing, the defaulter can be punished with a jail term for two years and/or a penalty which can be up to twice the cheque amount. The defaulter can appeal against the order within a period of 1 month of judgement.
However, it may not be so straightforward all the time. Here are two common instances when cheques bounce and what can be done.


Sometimes, it may so happen that the tenant does not have the funds simply because the landlord did not drop the cheque at the expected time. Therefore, the landlord is bound to first inform the tenant and only then proceed with the legal process. There may be another case when the tenant wishes to set off an amount from a particular month’s rent towards some expense he incurred on behalf of the landlord, which the latter refuses to pay. If there is a cheque bounce because of this, the criminal case will continue against the tenant till he is able to establish that there was a legitimate set-off.


Banks don’t normally file cases against bounced EMI cheques as the first step. Hefty penalties, loan default charges and cheque bounce charges are levied first. These keep building up for every month of default and added to the EMI amount. Also, the defaulter’s credit rating gets affected with every default he makes. In case of secured loans, banks also have the security as collateral. If the borrower does not make payments even after repeated reminders, the bank can give sufficient notice and auction the security to recover the dues.


Gold ETFs vs Fund-of-Funds

Business Line

Monday, June 24, 2013

Can NRI purchase life insurance in India?

The Indian Insurance Industry has matured over the years and self-awareness for insurance and its important has slowly crept into the minds of the pro-active financial planners across the globe. This in fact has been triggered by the recent fall in premium for online Term Plans. The surge of interest of Non Resident Indians to purchase a Life Insurance Product in India has given a platform to many insurance companies to re-strategize and capitalize on the huge potential of tapping the NRI or the Person of Indian Origin, PIO.

Since Term Plans are pure protection plans, it is a great choice for family security. Most Term Policies offered by most insurance companies in India can be purchased by a Non Resident Indian, NRI or a Person of Indian Origin, PIO simply by filling an additional NRI Questionnaire. They are not separate policies but the same policies that are offered to resident Indians as well.

However, only a few companies have actually streamlined their processes for issuing insurance policies to NRIs. They will help you with documentations and other requirements for medical tests, etc. as well. Some of the companies who have managed to stream line their NRI centre are:

  • Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) 
  • ICICI Prudential Life Insurance 
  • Max Life Insurance 
  • Kotak Life Insurance

There is a choice of insurance plans available to an NRI which depends on the country of residence, age and other relevant details.

However, there are some basic things to know if you are an NRI or a PIO and you wish to purchase a Life Insurance Policy in India, like:

  • Location- It is not necessary for the NRI or the PIO to be present within the geographical location of India while purchasing a Life Insurance Policy. However, if the policy involves medical examination, it would have to be done at the policyholder’s expense if he were out of India at the time of the policy inception. 
  • No Additional Premiums charged- The premiums are the same for Resident and Non-Resident Indians if the risk involved is the same. The premium would increase only if the associated risk increases and not otherwise. 
  • Online Payment- An NRI can make Online Payment by any of the following modes: 
    o Remittance in foreign currency
    o NRO bank account
    o NRE/ FCNR bank account

Even the death and maturity benefit can be paid out to any of the mentioned Bank Account details and the same are repatriable to the extent of premium paid in foreign currency in relation to the total premium paid. Thus, if the premiums are paid in Foreign Currency, then the proceeds are fully repatriable but if is paid in INR through the NRO Account, then the same would be considered as an earning in India and would not fully repatriable. However, this does not affect the working of the plan and the status of the proceeds whatsoever.

Deepak Yohannan

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How to identify fake Rs 500 currency notes

Fake notes have no exchange value. These means that if you go to the bank and deposit any forged notes, they would sign it and send it for further verification without giving you any exchange money. Fake notes is a growing menace in the country. So it is very important to check for the genuineness of all notes you receive-specially the larger denominations.

We have put together all the signs and authentication marks through which you will be able to judge the authenticity of notes:

1.The floral design marked by number one in the picture above is actually ‘500’ written half way. If you move the note against light you will be able to see the complete ‘500’ written on it.

2.When viewed against light, this empty place has a hidden picture of Mahatma Gandhi, multi-directional lines and ‘500’ written on it.

3.The colour of this ‘500’ appears green as such, but if you tilt the note to a certain angle, it would turn blue.

4.The ground, on which the number of the note is printed, glows when exposed to ultraviolet light.

5.This thread which appears broken is actually complete and can be looked at from behind when put against light. In addition to this, you will be able to see ‘Bharat’ ‘RBI’ and ‘500’ written on it.

6.The ‘panch sau rupiye’ written in the middle as well as the ‘Reserve Bank of India’ written on the top of the note, are written in raised ink and can thus be felt by hand.

7.Under the vertical floral design marked by number 7, you will find ‘500’ written when held against light.

8.Behind Mahatma Gandhi’s portrait, you will find ‘RBI’ and ‘500’ written, if you look with the help of a magnifying glass.

9.If you touch the note a little above the Ashoka emblem, you will be able to feel a small circle, although you won’t be able to see it.

10.Right on the center bottom, on the back side of the note, the year the printing appears and you would be able to see it clearly.

11.On the back side of the note, you will be able to identify ‘500’ entangled in the floral design. It would appear when looking at the note against light.
With these signs and markings you cannot miss out a fake note coming to you. It is for our own good to check every note that comes to us so as too help ourselves and our country weed out this evil.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

All you need to know about security transaction tax in mutual funds

STT of 0.001 percent is levied on the sale of units through stock exchange.
What is the security transaction tax in mutual funds?
Security Transaction Tax (STT) is a direct tax which is levied on buying/selling of financial instruments like equity, debentures, bonds, derivatives, mutual funds. In mutual funds, the STT is levied only on sale of MF units in equity and balanced funds, applicable on both open ended and close ended schemes.  It is also applicable on re-purchase of units by AMCs in equity oriented schemes. However, STT is not payable on transactions in debt and debt oriented schemes. 
When it was implemented and why it has been introduced?
STT was introduced by the Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram during the 2004-05 budget and came into effect from 2006. Earlier, many investors tried to avoid capital gains tax as they didn’t prefer to disclose their actual profits made from trading infinancial securities. Hence, to curb this avoidance on capital gain tax, the government introduced STT.
What is the rate of STT in mutual funds?
STT is applicable at different rates on the value of taxable transactions.
No STT is levied during the NFO.  However, if an investor sells it thereafter they have to pay STT at the following rate:
On sale of units through stock exchange (close ended mutual funds or ETF units) - 0.001 percent
On sale of units through AMC(non ETF and open ended mutual funds) – 0.025 percent
The above rates will be effective from 1 July 2013. However, the rate of tax that is deducted is determined by the central government, and it varies from time to time.
Who deducts the STT?
AMCs and brokerage houses deduct STT at source while executing the transaction. If an investor redeems his mutual fund units then AMCs are authorized to deduct at source while if an investor sells his/her units to others through stock exchange then the respective brokerage house through which the client has sold will deduct the STT at source.

All you need to know about inflation-indexed bonds

Many of you may be aware, "Inflation Indexed Bonds (IIBs)" will be launched on June 4, 2013 with first tranche of Rs 1,000 - 2,000 crore with a maturity of 10 years. The intention behind the launch of IIB is help provide real returns to investors and reduce physical gold buying spree. Whether it can indeed reduce gold imports would be discussed a little later, but first let's get to know IIBs a little better.

Meaning of IIBs:
IIBs are debt instruments which endeavour to offer return higher than the inflation rate (or to simply put, the rising cost of living which eats into our hard earned savings) if held till maturity. These bonds adjust the principal amount which one invests to the inflation, so that investors earn higher interest. 

So, how would they be structured...
The IIB will be linked to the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) inflation with four months of lag, wherein the index ratio would be calculated thereby adjusting the principal amount invested with WPI inflation. 
Index ratio =
WPI inflation on adjustment date
WPI inflation on issue date

Further, the aforesaid index ratio would be multiplied to the principal amount along with the coupon payment, to obtain the inflation-adjusted interest. 
Inflation-adjusted interest = (index ratio x principal amt.) x coupon rate

So at maturity, you as an investor would get back the inflation-adjusted principal or face value, whichever is higher. 
When can IIBs work for you?
You see in an inflationary scenario, where prices are on a rise and have an effect of eroding the value of hard earned savings, IIBs can work well for you. But during deflationary phase, they may not yield you much luring returns since them being linked to WPI inflation. 

In the current scenario can they provide luring returns?
Well the launch of IIBs has come in at a time where WPI inflation has depicted a descending trend and moderation in the last few months. Thus one may not get attractive annual yields immediately. However if WPI inflation continues to haunt once again as the economic growth starts picking up, IIBs could yield better annual yields. 

But PersonalFN is of the view that, instead of using WPI inflation for indexing, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation should have been used as it is more relevant to citizens who are saddled with rising cost of living. You see, there's yet a huge gap between WPI inflation and CPI Inflation which reflects what consumers are paying. April 2013 CPI inflation at 9.39% is higher than 4.89% WPI inflation for the same month. 

Having said that, it appears Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has plans to move to CPI inflation once it stabilizes, as per the statement of Mr R. Gandhi, Executive Director of RBI. "Once the CPI stabilizes, we may move over to that index," he said. 

As far as the tax status is concerned, thus far special tax status hasn't been provided to IIBs. So, there doesn't appear an incentive for retail investors to invest; but having said that, investors can claim capital indexation benefit. 

So, would IIBs divert attention of investors from gold and fixed deposits?
PersonalFN is of the view that while the Government intends to restrain India's insatiable appetite to own precious yellow metal which has put pressure on Current Account Deficit (CAD); it appears unlikely that investors' attention would be diverted from gold, at least until economic uncertainty persists. In fact drop in price of gold would attract many to buy more for both emotional and financial reasons which may keep exerting pressure on country's CAD. So while the objective of IIBs as per the central bank is to protect savings of poor and middle classes from inflation and incentivize household sector to save in financial instruments rather than buying gold, it may not appeal many investors. Likewise,risk averse investors may continue to invest in one of their most popular investment avenue i.e. Fixed Deposits (FDs), although they may not very tax-efficient and / or provide inflation-adjusted returns. Thus the complex structure of these bonds may desist many and may also find it difficult to compete with other debt instruments.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Online EPF Transfer and Withdrawal from July 1, 2013 – Great News !

Starting July 1, 2013 , EPF account holders will be able to withdraw or transfer their EPF accounts from one employer to another employer online. EPFO has said that they are working on setting up a central clearance house which will be operational from July 1, 2013 . One of the major problems faced by employees is to transfer their EPF accounts from one company to another when they change their jobs or to withdraw their EPF accounts after leaving their job, which takes years and months, without them having any transparency in the system and process. They are frustrated, lost and have no idea where to ask for their EPF status and to whom . Because of this delay, a lot of people just let things go and the matter drags for years and years

You can also Track the Status Online
The best part is that you will be able to track your request online and will be able to see which stage your EPF withdrawal or transfer is ! .

Permanent EPF account number for each person

EPFO has earlier said that they are working on the permanent EPF account number where a employee once allotted a EPF account number will be able to use the same Employee provident fund number when he/she moves to another employer. The new employer will deposit the provident fund money in the same permanent account number. This will solve a lot of issues, but this would be possible only after 1-2 yrs , the first focus is on introducing a online withdrawal or transfer service.

Verification of Details after the request is put ?

Once you apply for withdrawal or transfer, the verification of all the details from employer will be done by EPFO . All you would have to do is just initiate the transfer or withdrawal request online (Its not clear how it will happen or what you need to exactly do). After that EPFO department will take charge and do their part of work by contacting the employer. Here is how the transfer would work
The member makes his transfer application at his new or old office or directly to the EPFO through an online application. The process is then taken over by the EPFO, which gets data verification from both offices and gets the transfer done immediately. Now, EPFO would do the work of getting details from both old and new offices where transfer is involved, says EPFO Commissioner Anil Swarup. – SOURCE
This will help 50 million Employee provident fund account holders , lot of paper work will be saved and surely the harassment will reduce . (Read how you can withdraw/transfer your EPF , if your employer is not supporting or helping you) . at this moment , a lot of withdrawal’s happen because employees know that its more easier and do not want to take chance for future issues due to the complex process. Hence this move will help a lot to EPFO department in retaining employees with their EPF’s .

What should you do right now ?

While the EPFO has said that this will be operational from July 1, 2013 , still there might be delays from their end (you know how deadlines work in real life , remember what happened withDTC (Direct Tax Code) ?) . If you can really afford to wait and want to try out this online system, then wait for 2-3 months and then give this a shot, else follow the usual process at this moment.
While its a welcome move and we should trust the EPFO department, still you know what happened with the EPF Online Passbook system by EPF , which is not up-to the mark and there are tons of issues with it. It might happen that this online EPF transfer and withdrawal system is built , but there can be huge disappointment with the way it would work . We can only wait and watch at this moment.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Can You Withdraw from Your EPF Account before Maturity?

Every month your Salary Slip may be showing deduction towards Employee Provident Fund (EPF) account, it includes both you and your employer’s contribution towards EPF account. You might be rightly thinking that your contribution towards EPF is meant for your retirement and you can withdraw the accumulated money in EPF only at the time ofretirement. At time you may have urgency for money and you may be looking for various sources to get money. But why search for other source, when your own money can come to your rescue. Yes, there are certain circumstances when you can actually withdraw your money from EPF account before maturity. 

Let’s take a look at such circumstances, and the criteria that apply for withdrawal from your EPF account: 
  1. Construction / Purchase of a House including acquisition of site or plot for such purpose

    • You should have completed minimum 5 years of service.
    • Purchase of a House can be for Self, Spouse or joint ownership with spouse.
    • In case of purchase of a site or plot for construction of a house, withdrawal amount should be least of the following:

      1. 24 months of your Salary (Basic + Dearness Allowance) OR
      2. You and your employers share of contribution with interest OR
      3. Actual cost of acquisition of site or plot.
    • In case of purchase of a built in house OR construction of a house, withdrawal amount should be least of the following: 

      1. 36 months of your Salary (Basic + Dearness Allowance) OR
      2. You and your employers share of contribution with interest OR
      3. Actual cost of acquisition of House.
    • In case you are withdrawing the amount for construction of the house, then construction should begin within 6 months of the 1st installment and should get completed within 12 months of the last installment.
    • In case you are withdrawing the amount for purchase of the house or the site or plot, then purchase shall be completed within 6 months of the withdrawal of the amount.
  2. Addition / Repair to the existing house

    • House should be owned by for Self, Spouse or joint ownership with spouse.
    • Withdrawal amount should be least of the following: 

      1. 12 months of your Salary (Basic + Dearness Allowance) OR
      2. Your share of contribution with interest.
  3. Repayment of loans 

    • You should have completed minimum 10 years of service.
    • Loan should be in the name of Self, Spouse or joint ownership with spouse.
    • Withdrawal amount should be least of the following:

      1. 36 months of your Salary (Basic + Dearness Allowance) OR
      2. You and your employers share of contribution with interest OR
      3. Outstanding amount of loan (Principal + Interest).
  4. Medical Treatment in case of certain major Illness

    • Medical treatment can be for self or a member of your family.
    • Your employer should have granted leave for treatment of the illness.
    • Certificate from a doctor of the hospital is required as a proof.
    • Withdrawal is possible in case hospitalization lasts for one month or more.
    • Withdrawal is possible in case of any major surgical operation in a hospital.
    • Withdrawal is possible in case of suffering from T.B., leprosy, paralysis, cancer, mental derangement or heart ailment. Withdrawal amount should be least of the following: 

      1. 6 months of your Salary (Basic + Dearness Allowance) OR
      2. Your share of contribution with interest in the fund.
  5. Marriage or Education

    • You should have completed minimum 7 years of service.
    • You can withdraw the amount for marriage or education of self, children or siblings.
    • Maximum amount of withdrawal can be 50% of your share of contribution with interest in the fund.
  6. Withdrawal within one year before the retirement

    • Maximum amount of withdrawal can be 90% of the fund value.
    • Withdrawal is possible at any time after attainment of the age of 54 years or within one year before retirement, whichever is later.
If any of the above mentioned circumstances fits your requirement then you can consider EPF account as a source of fund for funding your financial goals. The criteria’s for above mentioned circumstances may be difficult for you to remember, but you can just keep in mind the circumstances under which withdrawal is possible and refer these criteria’s when you are actually in need of funds under those circumstances.
